
愛國者(2000) – The Patriot

The Patriot


導演: Roland Emmerich
編劇: Robert Rodat


01 The Patriot John Williams 6:39
02 The Family Farm John Williams 3:04
03 To Charleston John Williams 2:15
04 The Colonial Cause John Williams 3:15
05 Redcoats at the Farm and the Death of Thomas John Williams 4:59
06 Ann Recruits the Parishoners John Williams 3:09
07 Preparing for Battle John Williams 5:50
08 Ann and Gabriel John Williams 4:35
09 The First Ambush and Remebering the Wilderness John Williams 4:00
10 Tavington's Trap John Williams 4:10
11 The Burning of the Plantation John Williams 4:55
12 Facing the British Lines John Williams 3:05
13 The Parish Church Aflame John Williams 3:03
14 Susan Speaks John Williams 3:17
15 Martin Vs. Tavington John Williams 3:06
16 Yorktown and the Return Home John Williams 5:20
17 The Patriot Reprise John Williams 7:50


點評(allmusic.com: Heather Phares)

  約翰·威廉姆斯為導演羅蘭·艾默瑞奇的《愛國者》所作配樂契合了影片史詩的風格。雖然影片宏大而具有氣勢,但電影主題曲卻真摯且感人,隨時在激起觀眾的情緒。部分旋律如“The Colonial Cause”和“Ballad of the Green Berets”有着鼓舞和誇張之感。同樣,突如其來的黃銅和打擊鼓樂“Tavington's Trap”凸顯威脅的臨近。最後,風笛和豎琴演奏的“Susan Speaks”讓人再也控制不住眼淚。輕柔的“To Charleston”定下了影片前半段的基調,而“Preparing For Battle”和“Facing The British Lines”捕捉了戰場的慘烈場面。“Redcoats at the Farm and the Death of Thomas”和“The First Ambush and Remembering the Wilderness”跨越了悲傷、恐懼和憤怒,但情緒相對克制。不過,整部配樂大部分時候都瀰漫著激昂的情緒。


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