
星球大战3:武士复仇(1983) – Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi

Star Wars Episode VI


导演: Richard Marquand
编剧: Lawrence Kasdan, George Lucas


01 Return of the Jedi (Main Title)/Approaching the Death Star John Williams 3:28
02 Parade of the Ewoks John Williams 3:24
03 Luke and Leia John Williams 5:13
04 Jabba the Hut John Williams 3:37
05 Return of the Jedi John Williams 5:22
06 The Ewok Battle John Williams 2:55
07 Han Solo Returns John Williams 3:20
08 Into the Trap: Fight in the Dungeon John Williams 4:16
09 Heroic Ewok John Williams 2:12
10 Battle in the Forest John Williams 4:06
11 Finale John Williams 8:05


Return of the Jedi


Disc 1

01 Twentieth Century-Fox Fanfare Alfred Newman 0:22
02 Main Title / Approaching The Death Star / Tatooine Rendezvous John Williams 9:17
03 The Droids Are Captured John Williams 1:17
04 Bounty For A Wookiee John Williams 2:50
05 Han Solo Returns John Williams 4:01
06 Luke Confronts Jabba / Den Of The Rancor / Sarlacc Sentence John Williams 8:48
07 The Pit Of Carkoon / Sail Barge Assault John Williams 6:02
08 The Emperor Arrives / The Death Of Yoda / Obi-Wan's Revelation John Williams 10:57
09 Alliance Assembly John Williams 2:10
10 Shuttle Tydirium Approaches Endor John Williams 4:06
11 Speeder Bike Chase / Land Of The Ewoks John Williams 9:38
12 The Levitation / Threepio's Bedtime Story John Williams 2:44
13 Source Music: Jabba's Baroque Recital John Williams 3:03
14 Jedi Rocks (for the film Return of the Jedi) Jerry Hey 2:49
15 Archiveal Bonus Track: Sail Barge Assault (Alternate) John Williams 5:06

Disc 2

01 Parade Of The Ewoks Alfred Newman 3:27
02 Luke And Leia John Williams 4:45
03 Brother And Sister / Father And Son / The Fleet Enters Hyperspace John Williams 10:39
04 Emperor's Throne Room John Williams 3:25
05 The Battle Of Endor 1 John Williams 11:50
06 The Lightsaber / The Ewok Battle John Williams 4:31
07 The Battle Of Endor 2 John Williams 10:02
08 The Battle Of Endor 3 John Williams 6:03
09 Leia's News / Light Of The Force John Williams 3:21
10 Victory Celebration / End Title John Williams 8:33
11 Source Music: Ewok Feast / Part Of The Tribe John Williams 4:00
12 Archiveal Bonus Track: The Forest Battle (Concert Suite) John Williams 4:06



  约翰·威廉姆斯为《星球大战》系列创作的配乐不仅惊人,而且具有历史标志意义。本片作为三部曲的最后一部,威廉姆斯把他之前的许多主题曲拿来作为基础,但进行了具有创造性的重新创作,例如开场主题曲“Main Title/Approaching the Death Star/Tatooine Rendezvous”就包含了达斯·维达的主题“The Imperial March”其中的片段,强调了维达的残酷和邪恶。“Jabba's Baroque Recital”没有使用管弦乐队,而是用的键盘。这种编排听起来不像巴洛克式的赋格曲,而更像早期的莫扎特钢琴作品,但这并不有损于音乐的魅力或对于电影的价值。其中最激动人心的部分是“The Battle of Endor I”,威廉姆斯的整个概念在此曲的编排上有着完整的体现,充满了强烈的对比,美妙的弦乐和有力的打击乐交替进行,使此曲脱颖而出。事实上,“The Battle of Endor I”是一个真正证明威廉姆斯创作智慧的曲子。